302.605. 1. As used in the compact contained in section302.600, the term "executive head" shall mean the governor ofthis state.
2. As used in the compact contained in section 302.600, theterm "licensing authority" shall mean the department of revenueof this state. The director of revenue shall furnish to theappropriate authorities of any other party state any informationor documents reasonably necessary to facilitate theadministration of Articles III, IV and V of the compactcontained in section 302.600.
3. The director of the department of revenue, as compactadministrator provided for in Article VII of the compactcontained in section 302.600, shall not be entitled to anyadditional compensation on account of his service as suchadministrator. However, he shall be entitled to expensesincurred in connection with his duties and responsibilities assuch administrator, in the same manner as for expenses incurredin connection with any other duties or responsibilities of hisoffice or employment.
4. Any court or other agency of this state, or anysubdivision thereof, which has jurisdiction to take any actionsuspending, revoking or otherwise limiting a license to drive oroperate a motor vehicle, shall report any such action and theadjudication upon which it is based to the director of thedepartment of revenue in the manner and within the timeprescribed by the director of the department by rule.
5. Article IV of the compact contained in section 302.600shall apply to those offenses for which a license to drive oroperate a motor vehicle may be suspended or revoked under thelaws of this state, and any suspension or revocation thereforshall be governed by the provisions of law applicable to suchsuspension or revocation.
(L. 1985 H.B. 285 ยง 2)