302.705. 1. No person who drives a commercial motor vehicleshall have more than one driver's license.
2. No person is eligible for a commercial driver's licensewho is under eighteen years of age, except any persontransporting a hazardous material must be at least twenty-oneyears of age.
3. Any driver of a commercial motor vehicle holding acommercial driver's license issued by this state, and who isconvicted of violating any state law or county or municipalordinance regulating the operation of motor vehicles in any otherstate, other than parking violations, shall notify the directorin writing on a form prescribed by the director within thirtydays of the date of conviction. Upon notification of suchconviction the director may apply the conviction information tothe driver's record. If such conviction would result indisqualification of the license under sections 302.700 to302.780, the director shall disqualify the license in accordancewith sections 302.700 to 302.780.
4. Any driver of a commercial motor vehicle holding acommercial driver's license issued by this state, and who isconvicted of violating any state law or county or municipalordinance regulating the operation of motor vehicles in this orany other state, other than parking violations, shall notify hisemployer in writing of the conviction within thirty days of thedate of conviction.
(L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 3)Effective 7-27-89