303.042. 1. The suspension shall become effective thirty days afterthe subject person is deemed to have received the notice of suspension byordinary mail as provided in section 303.041.
2. The period of suspension under this section shall be as follows:
(1) If the person's record shows no prior violation, the directorshall terminate the suspension upon payment of a reinstatement fee oftwenty dollars and submission of proof of insurance as prescribed insection 303.026 or some other form of proof of insurance as prescribed bythe director;
(2) If the person's record shows one prior violation within theimmediately preceding two years, the director shall terminate thesuspension ninety days after its effective date upon payment of areinstatement fee of two hundred dollars and submission of proof ofinsurance as prescribed in section 303.026 or some other form of proof ofinsurance as prescribed by the director;
(3) If the person's record shows two or more prior violations, theperiod of suspension shall terminate one year after its effective date uponpayment of a reinstatement fee of four hundred dollars and submission ofproof of insurance as prescribed in section 303.026 or some other form ofproof of insurance as prescribed by the director.
3. In the event that proof of insurance required by this section hasnot been filed with the department of revenue in accordance with thischapter prior to the end of the period of suspension provided in thissection, such period of suspension shall be extended until such proof ofinsurance as prescribed by the director has been filed. In no event shallfiling proof of insurance as prescribed by the director reduce any periodof suspension.
4. If the director determines that the proof of insurance submittedby a motor vehicle owner or operator pursuant to this chapter is false, thedirector shall suspend the owner's vehicle registration and operator'sdriving privilege. The director shall terminate the suspension one yearafter the effective date upon payment by the owner or operator of areinstatement fee of one hundred fifty dollars and submission of proof ofinsurance as prescribed in section 303.026 or some other form of proof ofinsurance as prescribed by the director.
5. In all cases involving a suspension as provided in this section,the director shall not require an individual to file a certificate ofinsurance as provided in section 303.170 or section 303.180 or some otherform of high-risk insurance in order to terminate the suspension, excludingcases involving a motor vehicle accident where one or more parties involvedin the accident were uninsured.
(L. 1986 S.B. 424, A.L. 1999 S.B. 19, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1797)Effective 3-01-01
*Reprinted due to effective date.
(2007) Legislature did not intend for there to be a knowledge element regarding submission of a false insurance card; liability for such submission is strict liability. Hudson v. Director of Revenue, State of Missouri, 216 S.W.3d 216 (Mo.App.W.D.).