303.150. 1. Whenever the director, under any law of thisstate, suspends or revokes the license of any person uponreceiving record of a conviction or a forfeiture of bail, thedirector shall also suspend the registration for all motorvehicles registered in the name of such person, except that heshall not suspend such registration, unless otherwise required bylaw, if such person has previously given or shall immediatelygive and thereafter maintain proof of financial responsibilitywith respect to all motor vehicles registered by such person.
2. Such license and registration shall remain suspended orrevoked and shall not at any time thereafter be renewed, norshall any license be thereafter issued to such person, nor shallany motor vehicle be thereafter registered in the name of suchperson, until permitted under the motor vehicle laws of thisstate, and not then unless and until he shall give and thereaftermaintain proof of financial responsibility.
3. If a person is not licensed, but by final order orjudgment is convicted of or forfeits any bail or collateraldeposited to secure an appearance for trial for any offenserequiring the suspension or revocation of license, or foroperating a motor vehicle upon the highways without beinglicensed to do so, or for operating an unregistered motor vehicleupon the highways, no license shall be thereafter issued to suchperson and no motor vehicle shall continue to be registered orthereafter be registered in the name of such person, until heshall give and thereafter maintain proof of financialresponsibility.
4. Whenever the director suspends or revokes a nonresident'soperating privilege by reason of a conviction or forfeiture ofbail, such privilege shall remain so suspended or revoked unlesssuch person shall have previously given or shall immediately giveand thereafter maintain proof of financial responsibility.
(L. 1953 p. 569 ยง 303.170)