304.027. 1. There is hereby created in the state treasury for use bythe board of curators of the University of Missouri a fund to be known asthe "Spinal Cord Injury Fund". All judgments collected pursuant to thissection, appropriations of the general assembly, federal grants, privatedonations and any other moneys designated for the spinal cord injury fundestablished pursuant to this section, shall be deposited in the fund.Moneys deposited in the fund shall, upon appropriation by the generalassembly to the board of curators, be received and expended by the boardfor the purpose of funding research projects that promote an advancement ofknowledge in the area of spinal cord injury. Notwithstanding theprovisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrary, any unexpended balancein the spinal cord injury fund at the end of any biennium shall not betransferred to the general revenue fund.
2. In all criminal cases including violations of any county ordinanceor any violation of criminal or traffic laws of this state, including aninfraction, there shall be assessed as costs a surcharge in the amount oftwo dollars. No such surcharge shall be collected in any proceedinginvolving a violation of an ordinance or state law when the proceeding ordefendant has been dismissed by the court or when costs are to be paid bythe state, county or municipality. Such surcharge shall be collected anddisbursed by the clerk of the court as provided by sections 488.010 to488.020. The surcharge collected pursuant to this section shall be paidinto the state treasury to the credit of the spinal cord injury fundcreated in this section.
(L. 2001 H.B. 302 & 38, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1270 and H.B. 2032 merged with S.B. 1048)