304.130. 1. For the purpose of promoting the public safety, healthand general welfare and to protect life and property, the county commissionin all counties of the first class is empowered to adopt, by order orordinance, regulations to control vehicular traffic upon the public roadsand highways in the unincorporated territory of such counties and toestablish reasonable speed regulations in congested areas upon such publicroads and highways in the unincorporated territory of such counties. Suchregulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the generalmotor vehicle laws of this state.
2. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, before theadoption of such regulations, the county commission shall hold at leastthree public hearings thereon, fifteen days' notice of the time and placeof which shall be published in at least two newspapers having a generalcirculation within the county, and notice of such hearing shall also beposted at least fifteen days in advance thereof in four conspicuous placesin the county; provided, however, that any regulations respecting stopsigns, signal lights and speed limits on state or federal highways shall beapproved by the state highways and transportation commission before thesame shall become effective.
3. Regulations relating solely to increasing speed limits shall beexempt from the procedural requirements of subsection 2 of this section andshall take effect immediately upon approval of the county commission.
4. The regulations adopted shall be codified, printed and distributedfor public use; provided, however, that adequate signs displaying the speedlimit must be posted along the highways at the points along such highwayswhere such speed limits begin and end.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 451 ยง 1, A.L. 2008 S.B. 930 & 947)