304.235. All commercial motor vehicles shall be required to stop atan official weigh station, or to be identified through automated meansapproved by this state and determined to be in compliance without thenecessity of stopping, except those licensed for a gross weight of not morethan eighteen thousand pounds shall not be required to stop or to beidentified unless so directed by a peace officer or a commercial motorvehicle enforcement officer or inspector. The provisions of sections32.057 and 32.091, RSMo, which govern confidentiality and prohibit therelease of information shall not apply to commercial motor vehicleenforcement officers or their licensees in the performance of their dutiesat weigh stations. Any person who does not stop at a weigh station or whootherwise improperly evades stopping at the weight station and who is laterdetermined not to be in compliance with the provisions of this chaptergoverning weigh limits may be punished pursuant to section 304.570.
(L. 1973 H.B. 327 ยง 1, A.L. 1977 H.B. 186, A.L. 1999 H.B. 646 merged with S.B. 19)