304.670. 1. The highway patrol and any local law enforcement agencymay collect, correlate and maintain the following information regardingtraffic law enforcement:
(1) The number of drivers stopped for routine traffic enforcement andwhether or not a citation or warning was issued;
(2) Identifying characteristics of the drivers stopped, includingrace, ethnicity, age and gender;
(3) The alleged violation that led to the stop;
(4) Whether a search was instituted as a result of the stop;
(5) Whether the vehicle, personal effects, driver or passengers weresearched, and the race, ethnicity, age and gender of any person searched;
(6) Whether the search was conducted pursuant to consent, probablecause or reasonable suspicion to suspect a crime, including the basis forthe request for consent, or the circumstances establishing probable causeor reasonable suspicion;
(7) Whether any contraband was found and the type and amount of anycontraband;
(8) Whether an arrest was made;
(9) Whether any property was seized and a description of suchproperty;
(10) Whether the officers making the stop encountered any physicalresistance from the driver or passengers;
(11) Whether the officers making the stop engaged in the use of forceagainst the driver or any passengers;
(12) Whether the circumstances surrounding the stop were the subjectof any investigation, and the results of such investigation.
2. The information to be collected pursuant to subsection 1 of thissection need not be collected in connection with roadblocks, vehicle checksor checkpoints, except when such stops result in a* warning, search,seizure or arrest.
3. The highway patrol shall conduct analyses of the informationcollected pursuant to this section to determine whether law enforcementofficers are using profiles in law enforcement activities.
(L. 1999 S.B. 19 ยง 12)*Word "an" appears in original rolls.