304.678. 1. The operator of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycleproceeding in the same direction on the roadway, as defined in section300.010, RSMo, shall leave a safe distance, when passing the bicycle, andshall maintain clearance until safely past the overtaken bicycle.
2. Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guiltyof an infraction unless an accident is involved in which case it shall be aclass C misdemeanor.
(L. 2005 H.B. 487)Distance to be maintained when overtaking a bicycle.*This section was enacted by both H.B. 487 and S.B. 372 during the First Regular Session of the 93rd General Assembly, 2005. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.
304.678. The operator of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycleproceeding in the same direction on the roadway, as defined in section300.010, RSMo, shall leave a safe distance when passing the bicycle, andshall maintain clearance until safely past the overtaken bicycle.
(L. 2005 S.B. 372)*This section was enacted by both H.B. 487 and S.B. 372 during the First Regular Session of the 93rd General Assembly, 2005. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.