304.705. 1. In any county with a population of more than one hundredeighty thousand inhabitants that adjoins a county with a charter form ofgovernment with a population of more than nine hundred thousandinhabitants, all trucks registered for a gross weight of more thantwenty-four thousand pounds, as of January 1, 2008, shall not be driven inthe far left lane upon an interstate highway having at least three lanesproceeding in the same direction, within three miles of where an interstatehighway and a three-digit numbered Missouri route intersects with anaverage daily traffic count on the interstate highway of at least onehundred thirty thousand vehicles at such point. The Missouri department oftransportation shall design, manufacture, and install any informational anddirectional signs at the appropriate locations. Such restriction shall notapply when:
(1) It is reasonably necessary for the operation of the truck torespond to emergency conditions; or
(2) The right or a center lane of a roadway is closed to trafficwhile under construction, maintenance, or repair.
2. As used in this section, "truck" means any vehicle, machine,tractor trailer, or semitrailer, or any combination thereof, propelled ordrawn by mechanical power and designed for or used in the transportation ofproperty upon the highways.
3. A violation of this section is an infraction unless such violationcauses an immediate threat of an accident, in which case such violationshall be deemed a class C misdemeanor, or unless an accident results fromsuch violation, in which case such violation is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 2007 S.B. 22 ยง 2)