311.050. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm,partnership or corporation to manufacture, sell or expose forsale in this state intoxicating liquor, as defined in section311.020, in any quantity, without taking out a license.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4895)(1943) Objection to use of word "spirituous" in information charging sale of "spirituous intoxicating liquor" held without merit. State v. Varnon (Mo.), 174 S.W.2d 146.
(1955) Where evidence showed that whiskey purchased was poured from "shot" glass into Coca-Cola bottle, that such bottle may have contained some other liquid, it was not error to admit it in evidence, in prosecution for sale without license, even though alcoholic content of liquor therein was less than that in bottle from which testimony showed it was poured. State v. Krout (Mo.), 282 S.W.2d 529.