311.089. Any establishment possessing or qualifying for a license tosell intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail in any city not within acounty, any home rule city with more than four hundred thousand inhabitantsand located in more than one county and if such establishment is alsolocated in a resort area, convention trade area, or enterprise zone area,the establishment may apply for a Sunday by-the-drink license between thehours of 9:00 a.m. and midnight on Sunday. The business establishment'sannual gross receipts for the year immediately preceding the applicationfor the Sunday by-the-drink license shall not have been less than onehundred fifty thousand dollars of which at least sixty thousand dollars ofsuch gross receipts is in nonalcoholic sales. Any new licensee possessinga license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail may apply fora temporary Sunday by-the-drink license and shall show a projection ofannual gross receipts of not less than one hundred fifty thousand dollarsof which at least sixty thousand dollars of such gross receipts is innonalcoholic sales. The license fee for such Sunday by-the-drink licenseshall be six hundred dollars per year. The license fee shall be proratedfor the period of the license based on the cost of the annual license forthe establishment.
(L. 2003 S.B. 298 ยง 2)