311.091. 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of thischapter to the contrary, any person who possesses thequalifications required by this chapter and who meets therequirements of and complies with the provisions of this chaptermay apply for and the supervisor of liquor control may issue alicense to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter,by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises of anyboat, or other vessel licensed by the United States Coast Guardto carry one hundred or more passengers for hire on navigablewaters in or adjacent to this state, which has a regular place ofmooring in a location in this state or within two hundred yardsof a location which would otherwise be licensable under thischapter. The license shall be valid even though the boat, orother vessel, leaves its regular place of mooring during thecourse of its operation.
2. For every license for sale of liquor by the drink atretail for consumption on the premises of any boat or othervessel issued under the provisions of this section, the licenseeshall pay to the director of revenue the sum of three hundreddollars per year.
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 ยง 5)