311.096. 1. As used in this section, the term "commoneating and drinking area" means an area or areas within abuilding or group of buildings designated for the eating of foodand drinking of liquor sold at retail by establishments which donot provide areas within their premises for the consumption offood and liquor; where the costs of maintaining such area orareas are shared by the payment of common area maintenancecharges, as provided in the respective leases permitting the useof such areas, or otherwise; and where the annual gross incomefrom the sale of prepared meals or food consumed in such commoneating and drinking area is, or is projected to be, at least twohundred seventy-five thousand dollars.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter tothe contrary, any person who possesses the qualificationsrequired by this chapter, or who now or hereafter meets therequirements of and complies with the provisions of this chapter,may apply for, and the supervisor of liquor control may issue, alicense to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter,by the drink at retail not for consumption on the premises wheresold but for consumption in a common eating and drinking area, asdescribed in the application for such license. In addition toall other fees required by law, each establishment in a commoneating and drinking area licensed under this subsection shall payto the director of revenue the sum of three hundred dollars peryear. The times for selling intoxicating liquor as fixed insection 311.290, the authority for the collection of fees bycounties and cities as provided in section 311.220, and all otherlaws and regulations of this state relating to the sale ofintoxicating liquor by the drink shall apply to eachestablishment licensed under this subsection in the same manneras they apply to establishments licensed under sections 311.085and 311.090.
3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter tothe contrary, any person who possesses the qualificationsrequired by this chapter, and who now or hereafter meets therequirements of and complies with the provisions of this chapter,may apply for, and the supervisor of liquor control may issue, alicense to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter,between the hours of 11:00 a.m. on Sunday and 12:00 midnight onSunday by the drink at retail not for consumption on the premiseswhere sold but for consumption in a common eating and drinkingarea, as described in the application for such license. Inaddition to all other fees required by law, each establishment ina common eating and drinking area licensed under this subsectionshall pay an additional fee of two hundred dollars a year payableat the same time and in the same manner as its other licensefees.
4. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting therequirements of this chapter, who is licensed to sellintoxicating liquor by the drink at retail not for consumption onthe premises where sold but for consumption in a common eatingand drinking area, may apply to the supervisor of liquor controlfor a special permit to remain open on all days of the weekexcept Sunday between the hours of 1:30 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Theprovisions of subsection 3 of this section shall apply to thesale of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail not forconsumption on the premises where sold but for consumption in acommon eating and drinking area on Sunday. To qualify for such apermit, the premises of such an applicant must be located in anarea which has been designated as a convention trade area by thegoverning body of the county or city. An applicant granted aspecial permit under this section shall pay, in addition to allother fees required by this chapter, an additional fee of threehundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same manneras its other license fees.
(L. 1986 S.B. 444, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474)