311.110. Upon application by petition signed by one-fifth ofthe voters of any incorporated city, who are qualified to votefor members of the legislature in such incorporated city of thisstate, the board of aldermen, city council or other properofficials of such incorporated city shall submit the question tothe voters of the incorporated city, to determine whether or notintoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, other than maltliquor containing not to exceed five percent of alcohol byweight, shall be sold, furnished or given away within thecorporate limits of such incorporated city; and the resultthereof shall be entered upon the records of such board ofaldermen, city council or other proper officials, providedfurther, that the board of aldermen, city council or other properofficials shall determine the sufficiency of the petitionpresented by the poll books of the last previous city election.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4935, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)