311.140. If a majority of the votes cast on the question befor the sale of intoxicating liquor, containing alcohol in excessof five percent by weight, by the drink at retail for consumptionon the premises where sold, such intoxicating liquors may be soldunder the provisions of existing laws regulating the sale thereofand the procuring of a license for that purpose; and if amajority of the votes cast on the question be against the sale ofintoxicating liquor, containing alcohol in excess of five percentby weight, by the drink at retail for consumption on the premiseswhere sold, the board of aldermen, city council or other properauthorities of such incorporated city submitting the questionshall publish the result once a week for four consecutive weeksin the same newspaper in which the notice of submission of thequestion was published, and the provisions of this chapter shalltake effect and be in force from and after the date of the lastinsertion of the publication last above referred to; and providedfurther, that no license to sell intoxicating liquor, by thedrink at retail for consumption on the premises where sold, otherthan malt liquor containing not to exceed five percent of alcoholby weight, shall be granted during the time of publication lastabove mentioned; provided further, that this law shall not beconstrued to interfere with any license issued before the date ofthe filing of the petition for the submission of the question,but such license may run until the date of its expiration andshall not be renewed. The election in this chapter provided for,and the result thereof, may be contested in the same manner as isnow provided for by law for the contest of elections of countyofficers in this state, by any voter of such incorporated city inwhich said election shall be held, by an action to contest, andwhich shall be brought against the city holding such election.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4938, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)