311.176. 1. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting therequirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor bythe drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a city not locatedwithin a county, may apply to the supervisor of liquor control for aspecial permit to remain open on each day of the week until 3:00 a.m. ofthe morning of the following day. The time of opening on Sunday may be8:00 a.m. The provisions of this section and not those of section 311.097regarding the time of closing shall apply to the sale of intoxicatingliquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises on Sunday.To qualify for such a permit, the premises of such an applicant must belocated in an area which has been designated as a convention trade area bythe governing body of the city and the applicant must meet at least one ofthe following conditions:
(1) The business establishment's annual gross sales for the yearimmediately preceding the application for extended hours equals one hundredfifty thousand dollars or more; or
(2) The business is a resort. For purposes of this section, a"resort" is defined as any establishment having at least sixty rooms forthe overnight accommodation of transient guests and having a restaurantlocated on the premises.
2. An applicant granted a special permit pursuant to this sectionshall, in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, pay anadditional fee of three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and inthe same manner as its other license fees.
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 ยง 3, A.L. 1986 S.B. 500, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933)