311.210. 1. All applications for all licenses mentioned inthis chapter shall be made to the supervisor of liquor controland shall be accompanied by a proper remittance made payable tothe director of revenue.
2. The supervisor of liquor control shall have the power andduty to determine whether each application for such license shallbe approved or disapproved. Upon disapproval of any applicationfor a license, the supervisor of liquor control shall so notifythe applicant in writing, setting forth therein the grounds andreasons for disapproval, and shall return therewith theapplicant's remittance. Upon approval of any application for alicense, the supervisor of liquor control shall issue to theapplicant the appropriate license and contemporaneously with suchissuance shall file a notice of the issuance of such licensetogether with the applicant's remittance in payment of the samewith the director of revenue. The director of revenue shallimmediately issue a receipt in duplicate for such payment, onecopy of which shall be filed with the supervisor of liquorcontrol and one copy retained by the director of revenue.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4888, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)