311.250. 1. No license issued under this chapter shall betransferable or assignable except as herein provided. In theevent of the death of the licensee, the widow or widower or thenext of kin of such deceased licensee, who shall meet the otherrequirements of this law may make application and the supervisorof liquor control may transfer such license to permit theoperation of the business of the deceased for the remainder ofthe period for which a license fee has been paid by the deceased.
2. Whenever one or more members of a partnership withdrawsfrom the partnership the supervisor of liquor control, upon beingrequested, shall permit the remaining partner, or partners,originally licensed, to continue to operate for the remainder ofthe period for which the license fee has been paid, withoutobtaining a new license.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4893, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 372)