311.275. 1. For purposes of tax revenue control, beginning January1, 1980, no holder of a license to solicit orders for the sale ofintoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, within this state, otherthan a wholesale-solicitor, shall solicit, accept, or fill any order forany intoxicating liquor from a holder of a wholesaler's license issuedunder this chapter, unless the holder of such solicitor's license hasregistered with the division of alcohol and tobacco control as the primaryAmerican source of supply for the brand of intoxicating liquor sold orsought to be sold. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shallprovide forms for annual registration as the primary American source ofsupply, and shall prescribe the procedures for such registration.
2. Beginning January 1, 1980, no holder of a wholesaler's licenseissued under this chapter shall order, purchase or receive any intoxicatingliquor from any solicitor, other than a wholesale-solicitor, unless thesolicitor has registered with the division of alcohol and tobacco controlas the primary American source of supply for the brand of intoxicatingliquor ordered, purchased or received.
3. The term "primary American source of supply" as used herein shallmean the distiller, producer, the owner of the commodity at the time itbecame a marketable product, the bottler, or the exclusive agent of anysuch distiller, producer, bottler or owner, the basic requirement beingthat the nonresident seller be the first source closest to the manufacturerin the channel of commerce from whom the product can be secured by Americanwholesalers.
4. Any vintage wine solicitor licensed under section 311.180 mayregister as the primary American source of supply for vintage wine with thedivision of alcohol and tobacco control, provided that another solicitor isnot registered as the primary American source of supply for the vintagewine and the vintage wine has been approved for sale by the federal Alcoholand Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
(L. 1979 H.B. 701, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616)