311.297. 1. Any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, orbrewer or designated employee may provide and pour distilled spirits, wine,or malt beverage samples off a licensed retail premises for tastingpurposes provided no sales transactions take place. For purposes of thissection, a "sales transaction" shall mean an actual and immediate exchangeof monetary consideration for the immediate delivery of goods at thetasting site.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to thecontrary, any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer ordesignated employee may provide, furnish, or pour distilled spirits, wine,or malt beverage samples for customer tasting purposes on any temporarylicensed retail premises as described in section 311.218, 311.482, 311.485,311.486, or 311.487, or on any tax exempt organization's licensed premisesas described in section 311.090.
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616)