311.333. 1. Any wholesaler licensed under this chapter to sellintoxicating liquors and wines may accept the return of any intoxicatingliquor containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight and wines asprovided by rules and regulations promulgated by the supervisor of liquorcontrol, pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo.
2. Any wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating liquor or winecontaining alcohol in excess of five percent by weight to persons dulylicensed to sell such intoxicating liquor and wine at retail shall makeavailable to all such retailers, not later than five days prior to thefirst day of the month in which the pricing is to be effective, informationregarding all products which shall be available for sale in the next month.Such information shall include the brand or trade name, capacity ofindividual packages, nature of contents, age and proof, the per- bottle andper-case price which shall be offered equally to all retailers, the numberof bottles contained in each case, and the size thereof. The priceprovided to retailers under this section shall become effective on thefirst day of the next month and remain in effect until the last day of thatmonth. Supplemental pricing information may be provided to retailers bywholesalers for items that were unintentionally left off a regular monthlyitem information listing or for new items after approval for sale inMissouri by the Missouri division of alcohol and tobacco control. Awholesaler shall be allowed to sell such items to retailers immediatelyupon production of such supplemental information.
(L. 1987 S.B. 150 ยง 1, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)