311.355. 1. Manufacturers of intoxicating liquor other than beer orwine shall be permitted to offer consumer cash rebate coupons as providedin this subsection:
(1) Consumer cash rebate coupons may be published or advertised bymanufacturers in newspapers, magazines and other mass media;
(2) Coupon advertisements may list the amount of the cash rebate, butnot the retail price of the intoxicating liquor after the rebate;
(3) Applications for cash rebates must be made directly from theconsumer to the manufacturer, and not through retailers or wholesalers;
(4) Cash rebates must be made directly to consumers by manufacturers;
(5) Wholesalers and manufacturers may deliver cash rebate coupons toretailers, either for distribution at the point of sale or in connectionwith packaging.
2. Manufacturers of intoxicating liquor including beer and wine mayoffer coupons redeemable for nonalcoholic merchandise, except that suchredeemable coupons must be made available without a purchase requirement toconsumers at the point of sale, or by request through the mail, or at theretailer's cash register. Redeemable coupons may be published oradvertised by manufacturers in newspapers, magazines and other mass media.Advertisements must state that no purchase is required to obtain thenonalcoholic merchandise and provide information on the procedure to obtainsuch merchandise. The retail value of the nonalcoholic merchandise shallnot be stated in the advertisement or on the product. Wholesalers andmanufacturers may deliver these redeemable coupons at the point of sale orin connection with packaging.
(L. 1986 S.B. 444 ยง 1, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)