311.390. 1. Every railroad, express or transportationcompany, or other common carrier or contract hauler, shall, whenrequested, furnish to the supervisor of liquor control aduplicate bill of lading or receipt, showing the name of theconsignor and consignee, date, place received, destination andquantity of intoxicating liquors, received by them for shipmentto any point within this state. Upon failure to comply with theprovisions herein, said railroad, express or transportationcompany, or other common carrier or contract hauler, shallforfeit and pay to the state of Missouri the sum of fifty dollarsfor each and every failure, to be recovered in any court ofcompetent jurisdiction.
2. The supervisor of liquor control and the director ofrevenue are each hereby authorized and empowered to call upon theprosecuting attorneys of the respective counties or the circuitattorneys or the attorney general to bring any proceedinghereunder on the relation of the supervisor of liquor control orthe director of revenue, as the case may be, to the use of thestate of Missouri. The penalties collected shall be disposed ofas provided by section 7, article IX, of the Constitution ofMissouri, and section 171.010, RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4931, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)