311.410. No person shall transport intoxicating liquor in,into or through the state of Missouri which has not been lawfullymanufactured. No person shall transport intoxicating liquor inany quantity exceeding five gallons in or into the state ofMissouri for delivery or use therein, unless the requiredinspection, labeling or gauging fee or license has been paidthereon and unless the bottle or other container in which theliquor is immediately contained has upon it stamps of thedirector of revenue of the state of Missouri evidencing paymentof such fee; provided, however, that persons licensed by thesupervisor of liquor control as manufacturers, blenders, ordistillers of intoxicating liquor may import intoxicating liquorinto and transport it into and within this state in bulk withouthaving paid the fees above referred to and without first affixingthe stamps to the containers of such liquor when it is to be usedonly in manufacturing, blending, or distilling intoxicatingliquor, and subject to such regulations as the supervisor ofliquor control may prescribe to safeguard the fees due the stateof Missouri; and provided further, that persons licensed asmanufacturers, blenders, distillers, and wholesalers whoselicensed premises are within the state of Missouri may importinto United States government bonded warehouses located in thisstate intoxicating liquors which have been bottled in UnitedStates government bond without first paying said fees and withoutfirst affixing the stamps to the containers of such liquor,subject to such regulations as the supervisor of liquor controlmay prescribe to safeguard the fees due this state when suchliquor is withdrawn from said warehouse for sale or storage inthis state outside of a United States internal revenue bondedwarehouse; and provided further, that wholesalers licensed by thesupervisor of liquor control whose licensed premises are withinthe state of Missouri may import into and transport into UnitedStates customs bonded warehouses in this state intoxicatingliquors from foreign countries and from other United Statescustoms bonded warehouses, located in any state of the UnitedStates, without first paying the fees above referred to andwithout first affixing the stamps to the containers of saidliquor subject to such regulations as have been or may beprescribed by the supervisor of liquor control to safeguard thefees due the state of Missouri when such liquor is withdrawn fromsuch United States customs bonded warehouse for sale or storagein this state outside of a United States customs bondedwarehouse.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4932, A.L. 1949 p. 320)