311.450. Any alcoholic liquors in excess of one hundredgallons being transported into, within, or through the state ofMissouri shall be accompanied at all times during transportationby a bill of lading or other memorandum of shipment, showing anexact description of the alcoholic liquors being transported, thename and address of the consignor, the name and address of theconsignee, the route to be traveled by such vehicle while inMissouri, and the vehicle transporting such liquors shall notvary from such route. Such bill of lading or memorandum shall beshown to the supervisor of liquor control or any peace officer ofthis state upon demand. The name of the consignor on any suchbill of lading or other memorandum of shipment shall be the nameof the true consignor of the alcoholic beverages beingtransported and such consignor shall only be a person who has thelegal right to make such shipment. The name of the consignee onsuch bill of lading or memorandum of shipment shall be the trueconsignee of the alcoholic beverages being transported and whohas previously authorized in writing the shipment of thealcoholic beverages being transported and who has a legal rightto receive such beverages at the point of destination shown onthe bill of lading or other memorandum of shipment.
(L. 1949 p. 320 ยง 4932, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150)