311.470. Any druggist may have in his possessionintoxicating liquor purchased by him from a licensed vendor undera license pursuant to this law, or intoxicating liquor lawfullyacquired at the place of acquisition and legally transported intothis state, and lawfully inspected, gauged and labeled asprovided for in this law; such intoxicating liquor to be used inconnection with the business of a druggist, in compoundingmedicines or as a solvent or preservant; provided, that nothingin this law shall prevent a regularly licensed druggist, after heprocures a license therefor in compliance with this law, fromselling intoxicating liquor in the original packages, but not tobe drunk or the packages opened on the premises where sold; andprovided further, that nothing in this chapter shall be construedas limiting the right of a physician to prescribe intoxicatingliquor in accordance with his professional judgment for anypatient at any time, or prevent a druggist from sellingintoxicating liquor to a person on prescription from a regularlylicensed physician as above provided.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4880)