311.480. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person operating anypremises where food, beverages or entertainment are sold or provided forcompensation, who does not possess a license for the sale of intoxicatingliquor, to permit the drinking or consumption of intoxicating liquor in thepremises, without having a license as in this section provided.
2. Application for such license shall be made to the supervisor ofalcohol and tobacco control on forms to be prescribed by him, describingthe premises to be licensed and giving all other reasonable informationrequired by the form. The license shall be issued upon the payment of thefee required in this section. A license shall be required for eachseparate premises and shall expire on the thirtieth day of June nextsucceeding the date of such license. The license fee shall be sixtydollars per year and the applicant shall pay five dollars for each month orpart thereof remaining from the date of the license to the next succeedingfirst of July. Applications for renewals of licenses shall be filed on orbefore the first of May of each year.
3. The drinking or consumption of intoxicating liquor shall not bepermitted in or upon the licensed premises by any person under twenty-oneyears of age, or by any other person between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and6:00 a.m. on any weekday, and between the hours of 1:30 a.m. Sunday and6:00 a.m. Monday. Licenses issued hereunder shall be conditioned upon theobservance of the provisions of this section and the regulationspromulgated thereunder governing the conduct of premises licensed for thesale of intoxicating liquor by the drink. The provision of this sectionregulating the drinking or consumption of intoxicating liquor betweencertain hours and on Sunday shall apply also to premises licensed underthis chapter to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink. In any incorporatedcity having a population of more than twenty thousand inhabitants, theboard of aldermen, city council, or other proper authorities ofincorporated cities may, in addition to the license fee required in thissection, require a license fee not exceeding three hundred dollars perannum, payable to the incorporated cities, and provide for the collectionthereof; make and enforce ordinances regulating the hours of consumption ofintoxicating liquors on premises licensed hereunder, not inconsistent withthe other provisions of this law, and provide penalties for the violationthereof. No person shall be granted a license hereunder unless such personis of good moral character and a qualified legal voter and a taxpayingcitizen of the county, town, city or village, nor shall any corporation begranted a license hereunder unless the managing officer of such corporationis of good moral character and a qualified legal voter and taxpayingcitizen of the county, town, city or village.
4. Any premises operated in violation of the provisions of thissection, or where intoxicating liquor is consumed in violation of thissection, is hereby declared to be a public and common nuisance, and itshall be the duty of the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control and ofthe prosecuting or circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis, and theprosecuting attorney of the county in which the premises are located, toenjoin such nuisance.
5. Any person operating any premises, or any employee, agent,representative, partner, or associate of such person, who shall knowinglyviolate any of the provisions of this section, or any of the laws orregulations herein made applicable to the conduct of such premises, isguilty of a class A misdemeanor.
6. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control is hereby empoweredto promulgate regulations necessary or reasonably designed to enforce orconstrue the provisions of this section, and is empowered to revoke orsuspend any license issued hereunder, as provided in this chapter, forviolation of this section or any of the laws or regulations herein madeapplicable to the conduct of premises licensed hereunder.
7. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the sale ordelivery of any intoxicating liquor during any of the hours or on any ofthe days specified in this section by a wholesaler licensed under theprovisions of section 311.180 to a person licensed to sell the intoxicatingliquor at retail.
8. No intoxicating liquor may be served or sold on any premises usedas a polling place on election day.
(L. 1945 p. 1032 ยง 4895a, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1979 S.B. 192, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)