311.486. 1. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issuea special license to caterers and other persons holding licenses to sellintoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premisespursuant to the provisions of this chapter who furnish provisions andservice for use at a particular function, occasion, or event at aparticular location other than the licensed premises, but not including afestival as defined in chapter 316, RSMo. The special license shall beeffective for a maximum of fifty days during any year, and shall authorizethe service of alcoholic beverages at such function, occasion, or eventduring the hours at which alcoholic beverages may lawfully be sold orserved upon premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premisesconsumption. For every special license issued pursuant to the provisionsof this subsection, the licensee shall pay to the director of revenue thesum of five hundred dollars a year payable at the same time and in the samemanner as its other license fees.
2. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a speciallicense to caterers and other persons holding licenses to sell intoxicatingliquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises pursuant tothe provisions of this chapter who furnish provisions and service for useat a particular function, occasion, or event at a particular location otherthan the licensed premises, but not including a festival as defined inchapter 316, RSMo. The special license shall be effective for an unlimitednumber of functions during the year, and shall authorize the service ofalcoholic beverages at such function, occasion, or event during the hoursat which alcoholic beverages may lawfully be sold or served upon premiseslicensed to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. Forevery special license issued pursuant to the provisions of this subsection,the licensee shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of one thousanddollars a year payable at the same time and in the same manner as its otherlicense fees.
3. Caterers issued a special license pursuant to subsections 1 and 2of this section shall report to the supervisor of alcohol and tobaccocontrol the location of each function three business days in advance. Thereport of each function shall include permission from the property ownerand city, description of the premises, and the date or dates the functionwill be held.
4. Except as provided in subsection 5 of this section, all provisionsof the liquor control law and the ordinances, rules and regulations of theincorporated city, or the unincorporated area of any county, in which islocated the premises in which such function, occasion, or event is heldshall extend to such premises and shall be in force and enforceable duringall the time that the licensee, its agents, servants, employees, or stockare in such premises. Except for wines in the original package, theprovisions of this section shall not include the sale of packaged goodscovered by this special license.
5. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any caterer whopossesses a valid state and valid local liquor license may deliveralcoholic beverages, in the course of his or her catering business. Acaterer who possesses a valid state and valid local liquor license need notobtain a separate license for each city the caterer delivers in, so long assuch city permits any caterer to deliver alcoholic beverages within thecity.
6. To assure and control product quality, wholesalers may, but shallnot be required to, give a retailer credit for intoxicating liquor with analcohol content of less than five percent by weight delivered and invoicedunder the catering license number, but not used, if the wholesaler removesthe product within seventy-two hours of the expiration of the cateringfunction.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1062, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)