311.487. 1. The supervisor of liquor control may issue to any personholding a concessionaire's contract, issued by the Missouri state fair, anannual license effective for the fourteen-day period when the fair is heldand for any additional periods of time approved by the director of the fairwhich shall authorize the sale of malt liquor and Missouri-produced wines,for consumption on the premises where sold, on the Missouri statefairgrounds and, in the case of Missouri-produced wines, in the originalpackage, on each day of the week within any period which has been approvedby the director of the fair and during the hours at which such malt liquoror wine may lawfully be sold or served upon premises licensed to sell maltliquor or wine for on-premises consumption in the incorporated city inwhich the Missouri state fair is located. For every permit issued pursuantto the provisions of this section, the permittee shall pay to the directorof revenue the sum of one hundred dollars for such license, except that forlicenses issued to the concessionaire of the premises on the fairgroundsknown as the grandstand and to the concessionaire of the premises on thefairgrounds known as the exhibition center, there shall be paid to thedirector of revenue the sum of three hundred dollars for such licenses.
2. All provisions of the liquor control law and the ordinances, rulesand regulations of the incorporated city in which is located the Missouristate fair shall extend to such premises and shall be in force andenforceable during all the time that the permittee, its agents, servants,employees or stock are on such premises.
(L. 1993 S.B. 76, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)