311.490. No person, partnership or corporation engaged in thebrewing, manufacture or sale of beer as defined, in this chapter, or otherintoxicating malt liquor, shall use in the manufacture or brewing thereof,or shall sell any such beer or other intoxicating malt liquor whichcontains ingredients not in compliance with the following standards:
(1) Beer shall be brewed from malt or a malt substitute, which onlyincludes rice, grain of any kind, bean, glucose, sugar, and molasses.Honey, fruit, fruit juices, fruit concentrate, herbs, spices, and otherfood materials may be used as adjuncts in fermenting beer;
(2) Flavor and other nonbeverage ingredients containing alcohol maybe used in producing beer, but may contribute to no more than forty-ninepercent of the overall alcohol content of the finished beer. In the caseof beer with an alcohol content of more than six percent by volume, no morethan one and one-half percent of the volume of the beer may consist ofalcohol derived from added flavors and other nonbeverage ingredientscontaining alcohol; and
(3) Beer, intoxicating malt liquor, and malt beverages, as defined inthis section, shall not be subject to the requirements of subsection 1 ofsection 311.332 and sections 311.335 and 311.338.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4921, A.L. 2006 S.B. 725, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)