311.555. Every manufacturer, including one who blends orbottles intoxicating liquors, as to all intoxicating liquorproduced or imported by the manufacturer for sale or use forbeverage purposes within this state, and the out-state solicitorwho imports into this state intoxicating liquor manufactured orproduced outside of this state for sale or use for beveragepurposes within this state, and the wholesale dealer who importsor receives intoxicating liquor manufactured or produced withoutthe United States for sale or use for beverage purposes withinthis state and, therefore, shall be liable for payment forcharges as provided by section 311.553, shall also file with thesupervisor of liquor control a bond in an amount not less thanone thousand dollars and not to exceed one hundred thousanddollars on a form to be approved by, and with a suretysatisfactory to, the supervisor of liquor control. Such bondshall be conditioned upon the manufacturer, out-state solicitoror wholesale dealer paying to the director of revenue all moneysbecoming due from such manufacturer, out-state solicitor orwholesale dealer under this law. The supervisor of liquorcontrol shall fix the penalty of the bond in each case, takinginto consideration the amount of intoxicating liquor expected tobe sold and used by such manufacturer, out-state solicitor orwholesale dealer, and the penalty fixed by the supervisor shallbe sufficient in the supervisor's opinion, to protect the stateof Missouri against failure to pay any amount due under this law,but the amount of the penalty fixed by the supervisor shall notexceed twice the amount of tax liability of a monthly return. Inno event shall the amount of such penalty be less than onethousand dollars. Failure by any licensed manufacturer,out-state solicitor or wholesale dealer to keep a satisfactorybond in effect with the supervisor or to furnish additional bondto the supervisor when required hereunder by the supervisor to doso shall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of suchmanufacturer's, out-state solicitor's or wholesale dealer'slicense by the supervisor. If a manufacturer, out-statesolicitor or wholesale dealer fails to pay any amount due underthis law, his bond with the supervisor shall be deemed forfeited,and the department of revenue may institute a suit in its ownname on such bond.
(L. 1961 p. 43 ยง 311.553, A.L. 1967 p. 426)