311.620. 1. No person shall be appointed as agent, assistant, deputyor inspector under the provisions of the liquor control law who shall havebeen convicted of or against whom any indictment may be pending for anyoffense; nor shall any person be appointed as such agent, assistant, deputyor inspector who is not of good character or who is not a citizen of theUnited States, and who is not or has not been a resident taxpaying citizenof the state for a period of three years previous to his appointment; orwho is not able to read and write the English language or who does notpossess ordinary physical strength and who is not able to pass suchphysical and mental examination as the majority of a board, consisting ofthe governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and the supervisor ofliquor control may prescribe.
2. No agent, assistant, deputy or inspector so appointed shall holdany other commission or office, elective or appointive or accept any otheremployment compensation while he is an employee of the department of liquorcontrol, except with the written permission of the supervisor of liquorcontrol. No agent, assistant, deputy or inspector of the department ofliquor control shall accept any reward or gift other than his regularsalary and expenses as provided in this chapter. No agent, assistant,deputy or inspector of the department of liquor control shall perform anypolice duty connected with the conduct of any election, nor at any time orin any manner electioneer for or against any party ticket, or any candidatefor nomination or office on any party ticket, nor for or against anyproposition of any kind or nature to be voted upon at any election.
3. The agents, assistants, deputies and inspectors appointed underthe provisions of section 311.610 shall before entering upon the dischargeof their duties, each take and subscribe an oath to support theconstitution and laws of the United States and the state of Missouri and tofaithfully demean themselves in office in the form prescribed by section11, article VII of the constitution of this state, and they shall each givebond to be approved by the supervisor of liquor control for faithfulperformance of the duties of their respective offices and to safely keepand account for all moneys and property received by them. This bond shallbe in the sum of five thousand dollars, and the cost of furnishing all suchbonds shall be paid by the state.
4. Any agent, assistant, deputy or inspector of the department ofliquor control who shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall beimmediately discharged.
(L. 1941 p. 409 ยง 4875a, A.L. 1945 p. 1040, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)