311.640. Neither the supervisor of liquor control nor any ofhis employees, shall have any interest, directly or indirectly,either proprietary or by means of any loan, mortgage or otherlien, either for his own benefit or in a fiduciary capacity, orin any other manner in or on any premises where intoxicatingliquor is distilled, brewed, manufactured or sold; nor shall heor they have any interest, directly or indirectly in anybusiness, wholly or partially devoted to the distilling, brewing,manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor; nor shall he or they,directly or indirectly, engage in dealing in or distilling,brewing, manufacturing or selling intoxicating liquor, either asowner, part owner, partner, member of a syndicate, shareholder ofa corporation, agent or employee, either for his or their benefitor in a fiduciary capacity.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4883)