311.722. 1. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall notuse minors to enforce the laws of this chapter unless the supervisorpromulgates rules and regulations that establish standards for the use ofminors. The standards shall include those in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The supervisor shall establish, by July 1, 2006, permissivestandards for the use of minors in investigations by any state, county,municipal or other local law enforcement authority, and which shall, at aminimum, provide for the following:
(1) The minor shall be eighteen or nineteen years of age;
(2) The minor shall have a youthful appearance and the minor, if amale, shall not have facial hair or a receding hairline;
(3) The minor shall carry his or her own identification showing theminor's correct date of birth and shall, upon request, produce suchidentification to the seller of the intoxicating liquor at the licensedestablishment;
(4) The minor shall answer truthfully any questions about his or herage and shall not remain silent when asked questions regarding his or herage, nor misrepresent anything in order to induce a sale of intoxicatingliquor.
3. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall notparticipate with any state, county, municipal, or other local lawenforcement agency, nor discipline any licensed establishment when anystate, county, municipal, or other law enforcement agency chooses not tofollow the supervisor's permissive standards.
4. Any minors used in investigations under this section shall beexempt from any violations under this chapter during the time they areunder direct control of the state, county, municipal, or other lawenforcement authorities.
(L. 2005 S.B. 402, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)