311.790. 1. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions ofthis chapter and acts amendatory thereto, the prosecutingattorneys of the respective counties or the circuit attorneys, orat the request of the governor, the attorney general shallinvestigate and prosecute all violations of any provision of thislaw; and shall represent the supervisor of liquor control in anyand all legal matters arising under this chapter. When requestedby the governor, the attorney general, or his assistants shall inthe enforcement of this law, have the power to sign indictmentsor informations and conduct prosecutions in any county or citywithin this state.
2. Whenever any tax, fee or other charge, as authorized bythis chapter shall be due, suit may be instituted in any court ofcompetent jurisdiction by the prosecuting attorney of the county,or at the request of the director of revenue, by the attorneygeneral, in the name of the state at the relation of the directorof revenue, to recover such tax, fee or other charge, and in anysuch suit all persons, associations or corporations interestedmay be made parties and service may be had on both residents andnonresidents in the same manner as provided by law in civilactions.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 4876, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)