313.001. 1. There is established a permanent jointcommittee of the general assembly to be known as the "Committeeon Gaming and Wagering" which shall be composed of five membersof the senate, appointed by the president pro tem of the senateand five members of the house of representatives, appointed bythe speaker of the house. A majority of the members of thecommittee shall constitute a quorum. The members shall annuallyselect one of the members to be the chairman and one of themembers to be the vice chairman. The general assembly by amajority vote of the elected members may discharge any or allmembers of the committee and select their successors.
2. The members shall receive no additional compensation,but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expensesincurred by them in the performance of their duties.
3. The committee shall be responsible for, but not limitedto, legislative review of all state authorized gaming andwagering activities including proposed constitutional andstatutory changes or other pertinent information that may affectthe integrity of these activities. The committee is authorizedto meet and act year round, employ the necessary personnelwithin the limits of appropriations and to report its findingsannually to the general assembly.
(L. 1988 S.B. 643 ยง 1)Effective 9-1-88