313.500. As used in sections 313.500 to 313.710, unless the contextclearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following termsmean:
(1) "Breakage", the odd cents by which the amount payable on eachdollar wagered exceeds a multiple of ten cents;
(2) "Commission", the Missouri gaming commission, created in section313.004, or its designate;
(3) "County", any county in the state of Missouri or the city of St.Louis;
(4) "Horse", any equine, ass, mule, pony, or hybrid thereof;
(5) "Organization", any individual, political subdivision, stateagency, partnership, unincorporated association, firm, or corporationlicensed by the commission to conduct a horse racing meeting;
(6) "Pari-mutuel wagering", a form of wagering on the outcome ofhorse races in which those who wager purchase tickets of variousdenominations on a horse or horses in one or more races, all wagers arepooled, and when the outcome of the race has been declared official, thetotal wagers comprising each pool, less such amounts provided herein orwhich are provided by law or rule, will be distributed to holders ofwinning tickets on the winning horse or horses;
(7) "Public official", any elected member of the executive branch ofstate government and any director of a state department, any judge otherthan a judge of the municipal division of a circuit court, and any electedmember of the legislative branch of state government;
(8) "Race meet" or "race meeting", the whole period of time, whetherconsecutive dates or those instances where nonconsecutive dates aregranted, for which a race track license to race has been granted to any oneorganization by the commission;
(9) "Racing", any type of horse racing.
(L. 1986 S.B. 572, A.L. 1995 H.B. 574)