313.817. 1. Except as permitted in this section, the licensee licensedto operate gambling games shall permit no form of wagering on gambling games.
2. The licensee may receive wagers only from a person present on alicensed excursion gambling boat.
3. Wagering shall not be conducted with money or other negotiablecurrency. The licensee shall exchange the money of each wagerer forelectronic or physical tokens, chips, or other forms of credit to be wageredon the gambling games. The licensee shall exchange the tokens, chips, orother forms of wagering credit for money at the request of the wagerer.
4. A person under twenty-one years of age shall not make a wager on anexcursion gambling boat and shall not be allowed in the area of the excursionboat where gambling is being conducted; provided that employees of thelicensed operator of the excursion gambling boat who have attained eighteenyears of age shall be permitted in the area in which gambling is beingconducted when performing employment-related duties, except that no one undertwenty-one years of age may be employed as a dealer or accept a wager on anexcursion gambling boat. The governing body of a home dock city or county mayrestrict the age of entrance onto an excursion gambling boat by passage of alocal ordinance.
5. In order to help protect patrons from invasion of privacy and thepossibility of identity theft, patrons shall not be required to providefingerprints, retinal scans, biometric forms of identification, any type ofpatron-tracking cards, or other types of identification prior to beingpermitted to enter the area where gambling is being conducted on an excursiongambling boat or to make a wager, except that, for purposes of establishingthat a patron is at least twenty-one years of age as provided in subsection 4above, a licensee operating an excursion gambling boat shall be authorized torequest such patron to provide a valid state or federal photo identificationor a valid passport. This section shall not prohibit enforcement ofidentification requirements that are required by federal law. This sectionshall not prohibit enforcement of any Missouri statute requiringidentification of patrons for reasons other than being permitted to enter thearea of an excursion gambling boat where gambling is being conducted or tomake a wager.
6. A licensee shall only allow wagering and conduct gambling games atthe times allowed by the commission.
7. It shall be unlawful for a person to present false identification toa licensee or a gaming agent in order to gain entrance to an excursiongambling boat, cash a check or verify that such person is legally entitled tobe present on the excursion gambling boat. Any person who violates theprovisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor for thefirst offense and a class A misdemeanor for second and subsequent offenses.
(L. 1991 H.B. 149 § 8 Adopted by Referendum, Proposition A, November 3, 1992, A.L. 1993 S.B. 10 & 11 § 8, A.L. 2000 S.B. 902, A.L. 2008 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition A, November 4, 2008)Effective 11-04-08