316.204. 1. There is hereby established an "Amusement Ride SafetyBoard" to be composed of nine members, one of whom shall be the state firemarshal or the marshal's designee. The remaining eight members of theboard shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of thesenate. Each member appointed by the governor shall be appointed for astaggered term of five years or until a successor is appointed. Thegovernor shall fill any vacancy on the board for the remainder of theunexpired term with a representative of the same interest as that of themember whose term is vacant. No more than four members of the board, whoare not employees of state or local government, shall be members of thesame political party.
2. Three members of the board shall represent the interests of smallamusement ride businesses that operate in this state. Three members of theboard shall represent the interests of the fixed amusement ride parks. Onemember of the board shall be a resident of this state. One member of theboard shall be a mechanical engineer knowledgeable of amusement rides.
3. The state fire marshal shall call the first meeting of the boardwithin sixty days after all members have been appointed and qualified. Themembers from among their membership shall elect a chairperson. After theinitial meeting the members shall meet at the call of the chairperson, butshall meet at least three times per year. Five members of the board shallconstitute a quorum.
4. The members of the board shall receive no compensation for theirservices, and shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their official duties.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1434, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1403)Effective 1-01-05