316.205. 1. The amusement ride safety board shall have the followingpowers:
(1) To consult with engineering authorities and organizations who arestudying and developing amusement ride safety standards;
(2) To adopt a code of rules and regulations governing maintenance,testing, operation, and inspection of amusement rides. The board shallhave the power to adopt a safety code only for those types of amusementrides defined in the statutes. In promulgating the amusement ride safetycode the board may consider any existing or future American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM) safety standards affecting amusement rides asdefined in sections 316.203 to 316.233, or any other nationally acceptablestandard;
(3) To make recommendations to the state fire marshal concerning theboard's findings on safety issues related to amusement rides.
2. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to this sectionshall take effect unless such rule has been promulgated pursuant to chapter536, RSMo.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1434)Effective 1-1-01