316.210. 1. A person shall not operate an amusement ride unless theowner:
(1) Has the amusement ride inspected at least once annually by aqualified inspector, whom the owner or an insurer has provided to performsuch inspection, and obtains from such qualified inspector writtendocumentation that the inspection has been made and that the amusement ridemeets nationally recognized inspection standards and is covered by theinsurance required by subdivision (2) of this subsection;
(2) Has:
(a) An insurance policy currently in force written by an insurancecompany authorized to do business in this state in an amount of not lessthan one million dollars per occurrence; or
(b) A bond in the same amount as such person's policy from paragraph(a) of this subdivision, provided that the aggregate liability of thesurety under such bond shall not exceed the face amount of the bond; or
(c) Cash or other surety acceptable to the department;
(3) Files with the department the inspection report and certificateof insurance verifying the policy required by this section or a photocopyof such documentation or certificate; and
(4) Has been issued a state operating permit by the department andaffixed such permit to the designated amusement ride. Such permit feeshall not exceed actual administrative costs.
2. The inspection required pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection1 of this section shall be conducted at a minimum to meet themanufacturer's or engineer's specifications and to follow the applicablenational standards.
3. The department or designee may conduct a spot inspection of anyamusement ride without notice at any time while such amusement ride isoperating or will be operating in this state. The department may ordertemporary suspension of an operating permit if it has been determined aftera spot inspection to be hazardous or unsafe. Operation of such amusementride shall not resume until the hazardous or unsafe condition has beencorrected and subjected to reinspection by the department for an inspectionfee established by rule.
4. All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited tothe credit of the elevator safety fund created pursuant to section 701.377,RSMo.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1434, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1403)Effective 1-01-05