317.014. 1. Upon proper application by the director, or the directorof the office, a court of competent jurisdiction may grant an injunction,restraining order or any other order as may be appropriate to enjoin aperson, partnership, organization, corporation, limited liability companyor association from:
(1) Promoting or offering to promote any professional boxing,sparring, professional wrestling, professional kickboxing and professionalfull-contact karate contests in Missouri;
(2) Advertising or offering to advertise any professional boxing,sparring, professional wrestling, professional kickboxing and professionalfull-contact karate contests in Missouri;
(3) Conducting or offering to conduct any professional boxing,sparring, professional wrestling, professional kickboxing and professionalfull-contact karate contests in Missouri; or
(4) Competing or offering to compete in any professional boxing,sparring, professional wrestling, professional kickboxing and professionalfull-contact karate contests in Missouri.
2. Any such actions shall be commenced either in the county in whichsuch conduct occurred or in the county in which the defendant resides.
3. Any action brought under this section shall be in addition to, andnot in lieu of, any penalty provided by law and may be brought concurrentlywith other actions to enforce this chapter.
(L. 1996 S.B. 524)