318.020. The collector shall deliver to any person who shallhave been licensed, a license to keep any such table mentioned insection 318.010 in their respective counties, for a term oftwelve months, upon the payment by the applicant of the sum oftwenty dollars for each billiard table, and ten dollars for eachother table described in said section, and the collector shallcountersign such license before delivering the same to theapplicant; provided, that if the applicant be the keeper of morethan one of such tables, the number may be named in one license,and in such case the clerk shall not be entitled to more than onefee as provided in section 318.050.
(RSMo 1939 § 15398)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14273; 1919 § 9645; 1909 § 1194