320.095. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, any water corporation, municipality, or public water supplydistrict established pursuant to chapter 247, RSMo, shall allow access toits supply of water for filling mobile equipment during an emergencyinvolving the protection of life or property to a fire protection district,city fire department, or any other entity providing fire protectionservices, regardless of any nonpayment of fees to the water corporation,municipality, or public water supply district.
2. Nothing in this section shall authorize the connection of pumpingequipment to water lines without authorization from the governing body ofthe affected water supply.
3. In no circumstance shall a hard suction connection be utilized inobtaining water from a water source.
4. A fire protection service shall notify any source of waterutilized pursuant to this section of the estimated amount of water utilizedduring such emergency, on or before the fifteenth day of the followingmonth for purposes of accountability of unaccounted for water.
5. Under no circumstance shall any entity be authorized to deplete awater supply to a pressure less than the minimum pounds per square inch asrequired by law or regulation.
6. Any entity which contemplates using water for emergency servicespursuant to this section shall provide its personnel with adequate trainingon the basics of water system supply and proper maintenance and operationof valves and hydrants.
7. The entity providing fire protection shall be liable for anydamages caused by it to any part of the water supply system from whichwater is taken.
(L. 2003 S.B. 202)