324.032. The division of professional registration shall maintain,for each board in the division, a registry of each person holding a currentlicense, permit, or certificate issued by that board. The registry shallcontain the name, Social Security number, and address of each personlicensed or registered together with other relevant information asdetermined by the board. The registry for each board shall at all times beavailable to the board and copies shall be supplied to the board onrequest. Copies of the registry, except for the registrant's SocialSecurity number, shall be available from the division or the board to anyindividual who pays the reasonable copying cost. Any individual may copythe registry during regular business hours. The information in theregistry shall be furnished upon request to the division of child supportenforcement. Questions concerning the currency of license of anyindividual shall be answered, without charge, by the appropriate board.Each year each board may publish, or cause to be published, a directorycontaining the name and address of each person licensed or registered forthe current year together with any other information the board deemsnecessary. Any expense incurred by the state relating to such publicationshall be charged to the board. An official copy of any such publicationshall be filed with the director.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788)