324.034. 1. Notwithstanding other provisions of law, the director ofthe division of professional registration may destroy records and documentsof the division or the boards in the division at any time if such recordsand documents have been photographed, microphotographed, imaged,electronically generated, electronically recorded, photostatted, reproducedon film, or other process capable of producing a clear, accurate, andpermanent copy of the original. Such film or reproducing material shall beof durable material and the device used to reproduce the records, reports,returns, and other related documents on film or material shall be such asto accurately reproduce and perpetuate the original records and documentsin all details.
2. The reproductions so made may be used as permanent records of theoriginal. When microfilm, electronic image, or a similar reproduction isused as a permanent record by the director of revenue, one copy shall bestored in a fireproof vault and other copies may be made for use by anyperson entitled thereto. All reproductions shall retain the sameconfidentiality as is provided in the law regarding the original record.
3. Such photostatic copy, photograph, microphotograph, image,electronically generated, electronically recorded, or other process copyshall be deemed to be an original record for all purposes, and shall beadmissible in evidence in all courts or administrative agencies. Atranscript, exemplification, or certified copy of any records or documentsmade from such photostatic copy, photograph, microphotograph,electronically generated, electronically recorded, or other process copyshall for all purposes be deemed to be a transcript, exemplification, orcertified copy of the original and shall be admissible in evidence in allcourts or administrative agencies. No document shall be admissiblepursuant to this section unless the offeror shall comply with section490.692, RSMo, when applicable.
4. "Records and documents" include, but are not limited to, papers,documents, facsimile information, microphotographic process, electronicallygenerated or electronically recorded image or information, deposited orfiled with the division of professional registration or any of the boardsin the division.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788)