324.039. There shall be established in each board within the divisionof professional registration, including the division itself when empoweredwith licensing authority, which was on August 28, 1998, required orauthorized to revoke a license for failure to submit an application forrenewal, failure to provide information required for renewal or nonpaymentof the required renewal fee, a classification for a licensee who desires toremove himself or herself from participating in the licensing system of theboard or division. This classification shall be distinguished fromrevocation of a license and from surrender of a license pursuant to anagreement between the board or division and the licensee filed with andapproved by the administrative hearing commission. This classificationshall not be available to a licensee during the time there is aninvestigation of the licensee or the licensee's practices or during thependency of a disciplinary complaint filed with the administrative hearingcommission. Each board within the division or the division when empoweredwith licensing authority shall establish by rule qualifications for suchclassification and procedures for a licensee to request an inactive licenseas provided in this section. Notwithstanding any other law to thecontrary, no board within the division or the division shall be required torevoke a license when the licensee qualifies for the classificationauthorized by this section, as provided by rule. An inactive licenseauthorized by this section shall be subject to the same requirements forreinstatement or restoration as a lapsed, expired, or revoked license dueto failure to renew the license. This section shall not affect thoseboards which are otherwise authorized to classify a license as inactive.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788)