324.1124. 1. The board of private investigator examiners shalldetermine the form of the license which shall include the:
(1) Name of the licensee;
(2) Name under which the licensee is to operate; and
(3) Number and date of the license.
2. The license shall be posted at all times in a conspicuous place inthe principal place of business of the licensee. Upon the issuance of alicense, a pocket card of such size, design, and content as determined bythe division shall be issued without charge to each licensee. Such cardshall be evidence that the licensee is licensed under sections 324.1100 to324.1148. When any person to whom a card is issued terminates suchperson's position, office, or association with the licensee, the card shallbe surrendered to the licensee and within five days thereafter shall bemailed or delivered by the licensee to the board of private investigatorexaminers for cancellation. Within thirty days after any change ofaddress, a licensee shall notify the board of the address change. Theprincipal place of business may be at a residence or at a business address,but it shall be the place at which the licensee maintains a permanentoffice.
(L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)