324.1126. 1. Any license issued under sections 324.1100 to 324.1148shall expire two years after the date of its issuance. Renewal of any suchlicense shall be made in the manner prescribed for obtaining an originallicense, including payment of the appropriate fee, except that:
(1) The application upon renewal need only provide informationrequired of original applicants if the information shown on the originalapplication or any renewal thereof on file with the board is no longeraccurate;
(2) A new photograph shall be submitted with the application forrenewal only if the photograph on file with the board has been on file morethan two years; and
(3) The applicant does not have to be tested again but must insteadprovide proof that the applicant successfully completed sixteen hours ofcontinuing education credits; and
(4) Additional information may be required by rules and regulationsadopted by the board of private investigator examiners.
2. A licensee shall at all times be legally responsible for the goodconduct of each of the licensee's employees or agents while engaged in thebusiness of the licensee and the licensee is legally responsible for anyacts committed by such licensee's employees or agents which are inviolation of sections 324.1100 to 324.1148. A person receiving an agencylicense shall directly manage the agency and employees.
3. A license issued under sections 324.1100 to 324.1148 shall not beassignable.
(L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)